Are Floaters In My Vision A Concern?

Floaters in vision are relatively common. Floaters appear as tiny specks, spots, or cobweb-like shapes that seem to drift across your field of vision. They are most noticeable when looking at a plain background, such as a blank wall or a clear sky.
What are eye floaters?
Eye floaters are typically caused by tiny bits of debris, such as collagen fibers or clumps of protein, that float in the gel-like substance (vitreous humor) inside your eye. They cast shadows on the retina, creating the perception of floaters.
Should I be concerned?
There are instances where floaters could be indicative of a more serious condition. If you suddenly experience a significant increase in the number of floaters, notice flashes of light, or have a loss of peripheral (side) vision, it is recommended to seek prompt medical attention.
While floaters can be bothersome or distracting, they are often harmless and tend to become less noticeable over time.
What might be causing my floaters?
These symptoms may be associated with a retinal tear or detachment, which can require immediate treatment to prevent vision loss.
Additionally, if floaters are accompanied by other concerning symptoms like eye pain, redness, or changes in vision, it is advisable to consult an eye care professional for evaluation and appropriate guidance.
In general, occasional floaters that do not interfere significantly with your vision are considered normal. However, it is always prudent to consult an eye care specialist to rule out any underlying issues and ensure your eye health is properly assessed.
The retina specialists and surgeons at Austin Retina are all highly experienced in assessing and treating floaters no matter the cause. The staff stands ready to schedule you for an emergency consultation should you have a sudden onset of floaters. Contact us today using our online form or, if you have an eye emergency, please call 800-252-8259.